WIN Community

WIN has vibrant and active bodies of students, staff, alumni and industry experts. Together these bodies make up the WIN Community. With students from across the world and programs in ELICOS, Vocational Education and Training (VET) as well as Higher Education degree courses, the WIN Community is diverse and vibrant.

In addition to their studies, our students participate in a range of social activities including parties, lunches and informal functions. These functions are organised by staff as well as the WIN Students’ Association. 

Our excellent library and student recreation areas provide inclusive and welcoming areas for students to discuss their studies and to meet new and old friends.

Our staff have both industry and teaching experience and utilise innovative teaching techniques to impart their extensive experience and to fully involve students in their learning experience. Our staff are also actively engaged in research, particularly as it relates to improving the student experience. For example, several staff are presently working on a research project investigating the key issues which affect the overall performance of students in their first semester of academic study.

As students graduate from our programs they join our growing group of Alumni. Each of our Alumni are WIN’s ambassadors in the wider community and are greatly valued by WIN. Alumni members are encouraged to remain in contact with staff at WIN. They receive an annual newsletter updating them on current activities at WIN. Alumni members are encouraged to submit short items on their current activities for inclusion in the newsletter.

WIN also has an Industry Engagement Consultative Committee. Made up of senior practitioners from the various industries in which our graduates will work, the committee ensures that each of our programs reflects contemporary requirements for successful employment in industry. The Committee is also working on the development of industry engaged learning projects to help ensure that our graduates demonstrate the competencies required by industry.

In addition to their studies, our students participate in a range of social activities including parties, lunches and informal functions. These functions are organised by staff as well as the WIN Students’ Association. 

WIN’s higher education is overseen by an external body —a well-known and well-appointed group of individuals—the Board of Directors. Each of the Directors has extensive experience in management.

Students make their own paths through the academic opportunities that WIN offers and take advantage of a wide variety of educational possibilities across the institute to pursue a career that interests them. We would welcome the opportunity to provide the breadth and depth for our students to be well-placed in today’s world.

To explore more about WIN, please download our student handbook here.